বিস্তারিত 👇🏻
01.The Clever Rat
02.The Hungry Cat And The Doves
03.Good Quality And Love Of Things
04. The Dog And His Reflection
05.The Thirsty Pigeon
06 The Farmer And The Cranes
07.The Goat Herd And The Wild Goats
08.The Boy And The Nettle
09.The Old Woman And The Doctor
10.The Monkey And The Dolphin
11.The Miller, His Son And Their Ass
12.The Brazier And His Dog
13.The River And The Sea
14.The Oxen And The Logs
15 .The Crow And The Sheep
16.The Fox And The Bramble
17. The Swollen Fox
18.The Dog And The Oyster
19.The Foolish Wolf
20. The Two Pots
21.The Ass And His Driver
22.The Man Bitten By A Dog
23.The Wolf And The Shepherds
24.The Fox And The Monkey
25.The Hare And The Hound
26.The Bat And The Weasels
27.The Pomegranate, The Apple Tree And Bramble
28.The Mole And His Mother
29. The Blind Man And The Whelp
30The Flea And The Wrestler
31. The Mouse And The Bull
32.The Philosopher, The Ants And Mercury
33. The Jackdaw And The Fox
34.The Goose And The Swans
35.Two Physicians
36.The Australian Grasshopper
37.The Lion, The Bear, The Monkey And The Fox
38.The Witch And The Broomstick
39.The Labourer And The Nightingale
40.The Scorpion And The Ladybug
41.The Wild And The Tame Geese
42.The Monkey Who Had Seen The World
43.The Woodcutter And The Cock
44.The King Of The Future
45 The Mouse And The Frog
46.The Hawk And The Nightingale
47.The Horse And The Pig
48.A Boar And An Ass
49.The Clock And The Sundial
50.The Cat And The Fox
51.The Fox, The Wolf And The Horse
52.The Bee And The Spider
53.The Labourer
54.The Honest Judge
55.The Father Dog
56.The Beggar And The Dog
57.The Pig And The Man
58.The Mastiff And The Goose
59.The Justice
60.The Wooden Guns
Pages total -64
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