বিস্তারিত 👇🏻
1 The Dog and The Cook
2 The Thieves And The Cock
3 Vice and Fortune
4 The Partridge and the Fowler
5 The Flea and the man
6 The Man, The Horse, The Ox and The Dog
7 The Bird Catcher, The Partridge and The Cock
8 The Doe and The Lion
9 The Farmer and The Fox
10 The Seagull and The Kite
11 The Peasant and The Eagle
12 The Statue of Mercury and The Carpenter
13 The Boy and The Wolf
14.The Trumpeter Taken Prisoner
15 The Sparrow and The Hare
16 .The Dogs and The Fox
17 .The Kingdom of The Lion
18.The Ass and The Wolf
19. The Vain Jackdaw
20.The Fisherman and The Little Fish
21.The Traveller and His Dog
22.The Lion, The Mouse and The Fox
23.The Playful Ass
24.The Oxen and The Butchers
25 The Horse and His Rider
26 The Charger and The Miller
27 The Belly and The Members
28 The Seaside Travellers
29 The Raven and The Swan
30 The Wolves and The Sheep
31 The Gnat and The Lion
32 The Nightingale and His Cage
33 The Eagle and The Owl
34 The Cat and The Sparrows
35 The Spruce and The Rose Bush
36 The Chameleon
37 The King
38 The Hard-working Ants
39 The Ass’s Brain
40 The Bird and The Bat
41 The Old Woman and The Empty Bottle
42 The Two Dogs
43 The Hawk, The Kite and The Pigeons
44 The Two Travellers
45 The Wise Wolf
46 The Hare with Many Friends
47 The Wild Cat and The Mole
48 The Ugly Witch
49 The Generous Lion
50 How a Bad King Became a Good One
51 The Frog and The Hen
52 The Lion and The Council of Beasts
53 The Fox, The Weasel and The Rabbit
54 The Two Streams
55 The Thresher and The Ear of Corn
56 The Wolf, The She-goat and The Kid
57 The Sea and The Rivers
58 The Gardener and His Landlord
59 The Porcupine and The Doe
60 The Mockingbird
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